New Member Introduction Information

Mackay Land Rover Club Inc.


We are a group of responsible families and individuals with the common interest of using our Four-Wheel Drive vehicles to get out into the great outdoors, often to places not available to the general public. All makes of four-wheel drives are welcome in our club, which was formed in 1976 when there was less vehicle choice, hence the name.


We hold club meetings at 6.30pm on the third Wednesday of each month at 24 Milton Street, Mackay and run trips/events and or social activities of one, two or more days, usually twice a month. We also provide a monthly newsletter/magazine to keep you informed.


You are welcome to attend club meetings as a guest, and we hope you will consider joining our club.


The joining process to become a member is as follows, during which time you will be a probationary member. You will be able to undertake club events/activities immediately and drive on trips once you complete a driver awareness program (undertaken by the club). The joining requirements are as follows: -


On successful completion of the probationary period, your acceptance as a member will be subject of a vote of members at a club meeting (this is normally a formality).


Once voted in as a member, you will be required to pay an annual membership fee or part thereof depending upon the time of year. The annual fees are currently set at $85 for a family or an individual.


Club Contacts:        President:  Andrew Hiscock       0400 299 973


                                 Vice President:  Darrin Keates   0417 795 879


                                Secretary:  Stuart Wolsey           0418 789 313


                        Activities Organiser:    Glenn Barker   0438 193 211


                 Driver Awareness Training Officer:    Nev Ross         0403 048 766



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